Pipe covers are something you see regularly over drain pipes on the outside of commercial and domestic properties, but you are probably unsure of their purpose. Within this blog post we are going to take a look what they are used for, why you need them, what they are made of, and how fitting them will benefit you. Also, if you like this post, check out our post on gas meter boxes as well!


What are Pipe Covers Used for? 

Pipe covers, which can also be referred to as pipe wraps or sleeves, are the perfect choice if you are looking to protect the drain pipes on the outside of your home. The main purpose of pipe covers is to provide protection against inclement weather and accidental damage. They help minimise the risk of corrosion which will help extend the lifespan of all your pipework.

Pipe covers placed over external drainpipes are also useful when it comes to deterring unwanted intruders entering your home as they will not be able to climb them. They can also improve the aesthetic appeal of your home by giving your home a neat and finished look. 


Why Do I Need Pipe Covers?

There are a number of reasons why installing pipe covers is a good idea. The main one being that they protect your drainpipes against the effects of extreme weather conditions like rain, snow, bright sunshine and big changes in temperature. When pipes are continually exposed to these types of weather conditions, it can lead to significant wear and tear. When this happens, cracks and rust will start to appear, and in the worst case scenario is they could burst. 

Pipe Covers can also help insulate your pipes which is particularly useful during the cold winter months when there is a risk of pipes freezing. When pipes freeze, they often expand and burst which can result in serious water damage that is expensive to repair. 


What Types of Metal are Used? 

Pipe Covers are manufactured from a variety of different materials with the strength and durability of metals making them a popular choice. Some of the metals regularly used for pipe covers include: 

Stainless Steel: Stainless is not only strong but also has the ability to resist corrosion. This makes it a good choice if you are located in an area that experiences high levels of humidity or is exposed to chemicals. Stainless Steel is also pleasing to look at as they have a nice sleek appearance. 

Aluminium: Lightweight and resistant to corrosion, aluminium pipes are easy to install and suitable for various environmental conditions. They are also highly reflective, which can help in reducing heat absorption.

Galvanised Steel: Galvanised steel has a zinc coating making it extremely resistant to rust. Offering long term protection against the elements galvanised steel are also really sturdy and long lasting. 

PVC: PVC is another popular choice for pipes because it is adaptable, robust, lightweight and has good insulating properties. It is also able to withstand a range of chemicals and is extremely easy to install. 


What Are the Benefits of Pipe Covers?

There are a number of significant benefits associated with installing pipe covers: 

They Protect Against Damage: They will shield your pipework from physical damage which will help keep your pipes in good condition and prevent leaks. 

They are Weather Resistant: Because they protect your pipes against inclement weather, pipe covers will help stop rust, corrosion and freezing. This will help extend the lifespan of your drainpipes and keep repairs and maintenance to a minimum. 

Insulation: They provide thermal insulation, helping to maintain a stable temperature within the pipes. This is especially important in preventing pipes from freezing in winter, which can lead to burst pipes and significant water damage.

Security: As we mentioned earlier, thieves often look to access properties by climbing up drainpipes, by fitting pipe covers, this will prevent them from gaining illegal entry to your property this way. 

Hopefully, the information in this blog post has left you better informed about pipe covers and how fitting them can benefit you. If you are looking for high quality galvanised steel pipe covers at an affordable price, contact the team here at JML hardware today!